World Day of Living Together in Peace

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As declared by the Director-General of UNESCO, Audrey Azoulay, on May 16, 2021, the International Day for Living Together in Peace “reminds us of all the work that remains to be done to preserve peace, which can never be taken for granted, and which must always be built.”

According to the UN, May 16, International Day for Living Together in Peace “is in keeping with the Charter of the United Nations, which affirms the need to act to save succeeding generations from the scourge of war; and with the United Nations Declaration and Programme of Action on a Culture of Peace,… to promote a culture of peace and non-violence for the benefit of humankind, in particular for future generations.

At a time when war is raging in Ukraine and elsewhere in the world, when military spending has reached an unprecedented level of 2013 billion dollars in 2021, when racism, xenophobia, feminicide and economic violence condemn millions of people to live in insecurity, more than ever individual and popular mobilization is necessary to stop wars and violence and build peace.

This day must be an opportunity for all “to express the deep desire to live and act together, united in difference and diversity, in order to build a viable world based on peace, justice and human solidarity.

Of course, this also requires solving international problems of an economic, social, cultural, climatic or humanitarian nature and fighting for the respect of all human rights everywhere and for all without distinction of race, sex, language or religion.

The Peace Movement intends to use this day as a starting point to revitalize its priority action programs for peace in Europe and the Middle East, for the reduction of military spending, for education in the culture of peace, for the total elimination of nuclear weapons, for the end of the criminal arms trade, of which the Eurosatory World Arms Sales Forum [1] from June 13 to 17 is one of the most revolting manifestations of this culture of war that is opposed to living together in peace.

It is around May 16, 2022 that the Peace Movement has decided to launch a new national initiative under the title “In May the arts in peace” calling for the artistic creativity of the population, but also to launch new partnerships around actions of education for peace in Palestine (Gaza) and in the region of the great African lakes, and to launch a national action for a better consideration of education for the culture of peace in the school programs.

The Peace Movement

Saint-Ouen May 14, 2022


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