For Peace, climate, social justice, living together in Peace.
Peace on earth, friendship between peoples ! Let’s be in solidarity! Our destinies are linked!
There is not a town in France where there is not an action for peace, a walk, a demonstration, a circle or a meeting point for peace, a symbolic action, a walk of a few hundred meters, a walk in the middle of nature, a tree planted for Peace, a sign for Peace posted on : the pediment of a city hall, a union or association or political office or a place of worship, a theatre, a high school, a university, a building, one’s house, one’s apartment…
Everywhere must resound this call
« Stop all wars ! Stop the war in Ukraine ! Stop the violence ! Stop the misery! Friendship between peoples ! No to a war economy ! »
Let’s dare to be peaceful together ! Let us cultivate peace ! Let us build peace ! Let us win peace !
None of our differences in convictions, affiliations, philosophical, political, religious, trade union or other sensitivities should be an obstacle to the expression of this common aspiration to live together in Peace in solidarity, cooperation, justice and fraternity.
Solemn call of the National Council of the Peace Movement dated July 3, 2022
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US global hegemony has been the source of numerous and unending series of wars, involving the invasion and/or bombing of Iraq, Somalia, Serbia, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria. Of course, this history of illegal wars is largely ignored by today’s media, which prefer to point to a “new Hitler” or simply to an “enemy of democracy” when judging the less compliant states.
The brutal escalation of hostilities in Ukraine in February, with the Russian invasion, owes much to the US and its NATO henchmen. Moreover, a future conflict in Taiwan is prepared by the interference of Washington, once again capable of sacrificing the lives of the people as well as our planet (and the world economy!?) to the interests of its “1%” caste.
Let’s defy the warmongers!