Stop the wars, stop the war in Ukraine, stop the nuclear weapons!

Voir cette déclaration en français

Russia’s aggression against Ukraine shows how the existence of nuclear weapons promotes wars instead of preventing them, as the ideologies linked to the so-called nuclear deterrence claim. On the other hand, the present situation and Russia’s repeated threats to use nuclear weapons show how nuclear weapons allow the nuclear powers to disregard respect for international law and oppose the construction of a world of common security and peace.

In this framework, and in the context of its participation in the next World Conference against A and H bombs in Hiroshima and Nagasaki between August 4 and 10, 2022, the Peace Movement joins the appeal launched by the organizing committee of this conference, a committee animated in particular by the associations of survivors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki (Hibakushas) and the victims of nuclear tests.

Together with the organizing committee of the World Conference Against A and H Bombs, we “strongly protest the repeated statements of President Putin, Foreign Minister Lavrov and other Russian leaders threatening the use of nuclear weapons.  Nuclear weapons are “weapons of pure evil” which, if used, would result in catastrophic humanitarian consequences, and whose use can never be accepted.

The use (or threat of use) of nuclear weapons or any other weapon of mass destruction is a flagrant violation of the UN Charter, the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, other international laws and international humanitarian law. It is a crime against humanity, which cannot be justified for any reason or under any circumstances. There should never be another Hiroshima or Nagasaki, anywhere on the planet.

We call upon the Russian government to abandon all plans and actions relating to the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons, to cease war operations without delay, to withdraw all forces and to engage in conflict resolution by peaceful means.

We call on all peace-loving people in Japan, France and around the world to act to never allow the use of nuclear weapons, to stop war and to achieve a total ban and elimination of nuclear weapons in order to achieve a world without nuclear weapons.

In order to put an end to the war in Ukraine, to avoid the worst and to open a way towards political solutions, the Peace Movement intends to contribute to and promote all citizen mobilizations at the national and international levels.


To this aim, the Peace Movement :

– Will participate to the 2022 world conference against A and H bombs from August 4 to 9 in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

– Will call for actions to be organized everywhere in France, on August 6 and 9, and in particular on sites related to nuclear weapons, rallies, demonstrations.

– Wille speak to the Russian embassy to make known our demand expressed through our support for the call of the conference against A and H bombs and will ask all the embassies of the nuclear weapons countries as well as the President of the French Republic to demand that these states act in this sense and sign the TIAN.

– Will participate in the actions undertaken at the initiative of the International Peace Comittee, the ICAN international network, Abolition 2000 worldwide, etc. On the occasion of the first conference of the States Parties to the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons (TPNW), which will take place in Vienna from June 21 to 23. The peace Movement calls for the organization of gatherings, public actions and conference-debates throughout France during these two days.

– Calls for the signing of the petition for all states possessing or stockpiling nuclear weapons to sign the TPNW.

– Calls for the signing of the petition for France to participate in the Vienna conference and to announce its intention to sign the TPNW.


Declaration adopted by the National Committee of the Peace Movement on April 28, 2022


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